
Saw Grit Series

10/10 Thoughness Index (Ti) 9/10 Thermal Thoughness Index (TTi) 10/10 Particle Crystallinity 10/10 Particle Compression Fracture Extremely high strength and thermal stability. Blocky & uniform cubo-octahedral shaped crystals with excellent compression fracture strength.

9/10 Thoughness Index (Ti) 7/10 Thermal Thoughness Index (TTi) 9/10 Particle Crystallinity 7/10 Particle Compression Fracture Very high strength and thermal stability. Blocky & uniform cubo-octahedral shaped crystals with very high compression fracture strength.

8/10 Thoughness Index (Ti) 5/10 Thermal Thoughness Index (TTi) 6/10 Particle Crystallinity 5/10 Particle Compression Fracture Medium to High strength and thermal stability. Blocky & uniform cubo-octahedral shaped crystals with high compression fracture strength.

6/10 Thoughness Index (Ti) 3/10 Thermal Thoughness Index (TTi) 4/10 Particle Crystallinity 3/10 Particle Compression Fracture Medium strength and thermal stability. Mainly Blocky & uniform cubo-octahedral shaped crystals with medium compression fracture strength.

4/10 Thoughness Index (Ti) 2/10 Thermal Thoughness Index (TTi) 3/10 Particle Crystallinity 2/10 Particle Compression Fracture Medium to lower strength and thermal stability. Mainly Blocky & uniform cubo-octahedral shaped crystals with medium to lower compression fracture strength.

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